Naart – Art from a naive heart


Holy Cross Day, 2014

Once again I had the honor of attending the Holy Cross Day Fair, from The National Peasant Museum. So, I took some of the saints for a walk. At the fair there were saints and people, sellers and buyers, young and old, children, cats, dogs… and even a pearl hen! Let me show you some pictures!
Targul- privire de ansamblu/ The fair- big picture
Combinatie interesanta/ Interesting combination
Biserica si orasul/ Church and the city
Masa Raiului si Cei patru Evanghelisti/Heaven’s Feast and The four Evangelists
Is.Hs.Ni.Ka/ Jesus Christ
Maica Domnului cu Pruncul si Sfinti/ Holy Mother of God with Baby Jesus and Saints
Detaliu la icoana de mai sus/ Detail from the above
Sfanta Maria Egipteanca/ Saint Mary the Egiptian
Povestea Sintei Maria Egipteanca/ St. Mary the Egiptian’s story
Masa cu icoane, la targ/ Icons on the table, at the fair

Categories:   Events, Religious, Wood icons


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