Naart – Art from a naive heart



There’s no certain etymology for this word, “saraiman”. Some say it means “poor”, or “cottage”, or even “I sing”. All three meanings keep the same plot line: girl loves boy. He doesn’t respond to her feelings. Either he is in love with another girl, either their parents don’t agree with their relation. Either way, the girl suffers and she is singing these verses, that almost sound like an incantation:

If the love I have inside,
Would trace your steps and haunt your nights,
Would trace your steps and haunt your nights,
Saraiman and Saraiman
Hardly you would get much sleep,
Nor for other, further weep,

For a love as big as mine,
You may never find alike,
You may never find alike,
Saraiman and Saraiman,
And my tenderness is such,
There’s no other soul to match,

If I only knew you came,
I would gladly pave your way,
I would gladly pave your way,
Saraiman and Saraiman,
Paved in flowers and in gems,
So you don’t show up too late.

I’ve been contemplating Romica’s songs for a long time, and this is a painting dedicated to her music. If you want to know more about this lady of Romanian traditional music, you can follow this link and listen to her beautiful songs. May God rest her soul!

Categories:   Naive art, Paintings


  • Posted: Tuesday January 23rd, 2024 16:57


    Deoarece ma pasioneaza etimologia si studiez limba turca, am intalnit acest cuvant: Şahmaran. Shahmaran is a mythical creature, half-woman and half-snake, originating in Indo-Iranian and Turkic folklores. The name Shāhmārān comes from the Persian words Shāh (شاه), and mārān (ماران; transl. 'snakes'). Hence, the name Shāhmārān literally means 'the king of snakes'.
  • Posted: Tuesday June 11th, 2024 11:30


    "Șaraiman" poate veni de la cuvantul "Șalaman", din limba tatara crimeeana, care inseamna "Eu cant". Ritmul melodiei este oriental si termenul ar avea sens...
  • Posted: Tuesday June 11th, 2024 11:44


    Iata si cuvantul "Șalaman", in titlul unei melodii a tatarilor din Dobrogea:

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