Naart – Art from a naive heart



Icons and troitsas

I wasn’t always familiar with painting religious icons. At the beginning, I thought that maybe I don’t have the skill or the means to paint such subjects. But, it took one, or maybe two icons, and I realized how much I like painting saints and their life stories.

“With fear of God, faith and love, come close!”

“The last judgement”. Tempera on wood. 50x40cm.

Two beloved priests of Romania, father Ilie Cleopa and father Arsenie Papacioc. They are both gone to God, but always reminded. Tempera on wood, 20x10cm.

From left to right: “Feasts Icon”, “Saint Sisoe” and “The Resurrection of Christ”. All tempera on wood.

“Saint Dimitrios, the great”. Tempera on wood. 50x40cm.

Again, “Saint Dimitrios”, bordered by saints. Tempera on wood. 25x20cm.

“Saint Andrew”, the missionary of Christianity in the lands of Romania.Tempera on wood.  25x20cm.

“Saint Nicholas”. Tempera on wood. 25x20cm

“Saint Nektarios, the healer”. Tempera on wood. 20x10cm.

“Saint Archangels Michael and Gabriel”. Tempera on wood. 20x10cm.

“Saint Anthon the great”. Temprea on wood. 20x15cm.

“Saint George” troitsa. Ceramic. 12x16cm.

“The great Martyr, Ekaterina”. Tempera on wood. 20x15cm.

“Saint Nicholas”. Temprea on wood. 20x17cm.

“The crucifixion. The Mother of God in grief”. Tempera on wood. 15x20cm .

“The falling asleep of the Holy Virgin”. Tempera on wood. 15x20cm.

“The Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel”.

“Saint Parascheva”. Tempera on wood. 15x20cm.

” The Holy Virgin with baby Jesus”. Tempera on wood. 30x20cm.
“Saint Mary, the Egiptian”. Tempera on wood. 22x17cm.

Categories:   Religious, Wood icons, Troitsas


  • Posted: Wednesday November 9th, 2011 14:28


    These are wonderful Ana! Are they ex-voto's? Are they your visions or were they commissioned? I'd love to hear the story behind them. I need to try to translate your blog...
  • Posted: Wednesday November 9th, 2011 21:12

    Ana Drăgan

    Thank you, Ulla! I promise I'll try to translate this blog somehow! Some of these icons were ex- voto's, some were ordered by customers, some sold and some I made presents for my loved ones. Anyway, above all, they are mostly my own vision, of course with inspiration from here and there. In my religious painting, I try to somehow stick to the norms (cause in orthodox christianity, there are very strict norms), but put my own self in it too. My inspirational sources are byzantine painting and Romanian naive painting. :). Thanks for visiting and commenting! Ana
  • Posted: Wednesday March 14th, 2012 19:22


    Cromatica si transpunerea religiei si basmului in naiv sunt deosebite!Felicitari!In esenta naivitatea descuie poarta sufletului facand din privitor un contemplativ iar din artist un permanent marturisitor.

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